Thursday, February 26, 2009

Aiden and Ali

Sisters Aiden and Ali came to see me for the first time this weekend. When Mom told them they were going to have some head shots done, little Aiden said, 'Oh no, I don't want shots!'. So funny. Hopefully, having pictures done was a little more fun than getting shots! Both are so cute, and look so opposite. Here are a few faves...

Ayv and Mikah

These cuties were so sweet. Ayv took off right for center stage to have her picture made...she was ready! Baby brother Mikah wanted to share the spotlight too. Here are a few faves from this cute brother and sister pair...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Kimber!

Kimber came this weekend for some birthday fun. Last time she was here for Christmas, and since then, she has started walking. Wow, how amazing to see how things change so much in just a short time. Kimber's birthday is on February 14th...wasn't she a great valentine for her parents? We got some great birthday shots, then we brought out the cake...Two words...RED ICING. And Kimber was definitely a fan! Enjoy!

Look at the big girl walking! Actually...most times running!
She is so happy cause she knows that cake is coming...
Of course we need a tutu for the birthday princess!
I know it's hard to look at anything but that cake covered mouth, but check out those beautiful eyelashes, I'm so jealous!
She was having so much fun! Her expressions were priceless!

Cake smashes are so fun, I always look forward to them.


Welcome to the World, Makayla!

Little Miss Makayla came for her very first portrait session this weekend. This little sweetie is only 3 weeks old but she was so alert. Her big, bright eyes were wide open for the entire session and she got comfie just about every time we put her down for a picture. I can't wait to see how she changes over the next year. Here are a few favorites to I wanted to share...

Well, I guess we know her opinion of the camera in her face!

"Hey, what's up guys!"

So sweet, look at those chubby cheeks!Daddy's from get the picture!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Baby Noah

Noah had his 6 month session this weekend. This chubby wubby is my nephew(my sister's baby boy). I love his little fat rolls. When he smiles, his little eyes disappear. We call him our little sumo wrestler. He was in such a good mood, smiling like crazy at me. Just last week, he started sitting up by himself, and he does so good. He barely wobbles at all! Here are some of my favs from my little stinker!

Brady-Man the Dino

Brady is turning two and he is having a dinosaur party. Brady has been coming to see me since he was a newborn. Well, that doesn't mean much to a two year old who has no interest in sitting still for a picture. It became a game with us...I would go the opposite direction and hide and he would go right where he was supposed to be for a picture. He would give me just long enough to get where I needed to get to snap the pic, and would take off! We went back and forth like that for a while, and even though you could tell he thought he was outsmarting me, I still snuck some good shots in on him! Here of some favs of the little booger...



Ms. Elaynah turns 1!

Ms. Elaynah came to see me Saturday to celebrate her first birthday. Like any normal one year old, she was on the move! But I knew as soon as we got through with the business of pictures and brought out the cake, we would have her attention. Cake smashes are always so much fun. I love placing the cake down in front of them and letting them go. Elaynah was delicate at first, of course like most little girls would be. But, after a few tastes of that icing, it was on! Enjoy some of my favorites:

