Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Reagan

Little Reagan is 2 and 1/2 weeks old and so precious! She would curl up, almost into a was too cute. And what a little wiggle worm. Like most newborns who need their snoozes, when she would find her comfy spot, she would try to get in a nap, but she did open her eyes occasionally to make her Mommy happy. About half way through the session, she was wide-eyed...and in a pretty good mood...she tolerated my camera in her face anyway! Check out this sweet little cutie..

Emma and Tatum

These little friends came at different times, but since they are buddies, I wanted to put them in the same post. They would get excited at the mention of the other one, so that came in handy when trying to get their attention! Enjoy some faves from each session...

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Official!

I am now officially able to focus on my photography FULL TIME! With this change, I am now able to open up more days and time for portrait sessions. I've been working hard for this for a long time and I am so excited that I have finally gotten to this point. I will now be able to take appointments through the week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and most Saturdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays are set aside for evening appointments as I will be helping my sister take care of my nephew on these days(which I'm also very excited about!). Before, I was working a full time job and doing pictures in all my free time. It would get a little overwhelming at times, trying to divide my time with work, sessions and most importantly, my family. I am so thankful for all my clients and the great business I have been getting. I feel truly blessed with how everything has worked out and can't wait to start this new path in my life. I'm in to week two already, and can tell a huge difference in my stress level! Taking pictures is what I feel I am meant to do and I'm so lucky that I get to do what I love for a living. Thank you to every one who has supported me through all this, and thank you to all my loyal clients who keep coming back and to all the new clients who have been trying me out! The most important thing to me is to create long lasting relationships with each and every person that walks through my door. If I can make you comfortable in front of the camera, I've done my job! So anyway, with that big news aside, I just want everyone to know that allowing me to take your picture means more to me than just a click of the camera. I try to see beyond the smiles...I see the real, human joys, the real emotion...silly faces, pouty faces, happy faces. I'm here to capture it all.
Now, it has been a very busy couple months and I realize that I have gotten quite a bit behind on my photo sharing. I promise to do better on this as I have the actual time to do it now! I've gotten a lot of great comments about the blog and I'm glad you guys are enjoying it! I've had a lot of sessions lately, so as hard as it is for me, I'm going to try to pick only ONE image from each session to share, so I don't overload the

Paige came for her 9 month pics. Cannot believe she is already there, pulling up on things, looking cute as ever. Okay, I lied above...I can't limit it when I have more than one cute kid per session. I can't leave out big bro Pierson!This was Madilyn's first time and I was warned ahead of time that she could be shy. She did cling to Mommy a little at first, but with one M&M, that shyness was long gone...We got some great shots showing her little personality. Too cute!Cutie Cooper came decked out in his Easter best. He can work the sport jacket, let me tell ya. He was on the move, as most one year olds are, but I managed to sneak some cute shots in on him. Look at this pose, total model on our hands here, with the serious look...Little Cayden is used to me by now with him being here more than a few times before. Everyone who got to use the bunny this Easter can thank Cayden, as he is the owner of Mr. Fuzzy Wuzzy. Mylee turned ONE! Her nickname is Smiley Mylee for good reason. She is such a happy baby. She did well with the outfit changes, but you know how it is with little girl clothes. They are so cute, it's hard to resist!Peyton came back for Easter pics. I just love his rosy, little cheeks. He looks like such a little man now. Gavin and Adrienne came to see me for the first time. These kids are so photogenic. Very well behaved! I had fun getting to know this brother and sister pair.Sarah is a new addition to this big ol' world and what a sweet little baby! She didn't get upset with us one time, with the outfit changes and such. I just love new babies! Little Taryn is a neighbor, so she didn't have to travel too far. While she wasn't feeling great, she had a great session...guess pics bring out good feelings, huh?Aiden and Ali came by again for some Easter pics. While they weren't thrilled with the idea of getting pictures done, we got some great ones, showing some real personality. I love the candid ones and I got to sneak a few in when they didn't even know it!Pacey was in a for a visit with family so he stopped by for some Easter pics. He was so happy to be here, he could hardly contain it!My little buddy, Kael and his baby brother Kagan are so sweet. Kael brought some bouncy balls with him and they proved to be handy in getting their attention. I think there is still one rolling around here somewhere though...This little chunk has been coming to see me since he was in his Mommy's tummy. I can't believe how he has grown! He has always been the serious dude, but he showed off his dimples a few times!Cousins, Kimber, Mylee and Pacey came for some group shots. While you may be thinking, how do you get a group shot of two One year olds and an infant? Very carefully! They are all super cute kids, and I love getting to take their pics!

So that's it for now...I know, I know, long post. I guess that's what happens when I let it add up on me! More sessions tomorrow so stay tuned!

